Heat Supply Scheme (also referred to as the Scheme) — a report containing pre-design materials to justify the efficient and safe functioning of the heat supply systems of a settlement or urban district, as well as their development with regard to legal regulation in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency. This report is approved by a legal act, having no regulatory power, of the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the state policy in the field of heat supply.
The heat supply system of the city of Moscow as of January 01, 2021
Annual updating of the electronic model and the report of the Heat Supply Scheme of the city of Moscow for the period up to 2035, which determines the strategy and unified technical policy for the future development of the city’s heat supply systems. Updating the Heat Supply Scheme for the city of Moscow for the period up to 2035 is performed with the participation of representatives of executive authorities, specialists from design and resource supply organizations of Moscow.
- — Collection, analysis and verification of initial data on the current state and planned development of the city’s heat supply systems;
- — Actualization of indicators of the existing and prospective demand for thermal energy (power) and coolant;
- — Actualization of existing and prospective balances of thermal power of thermal energy sources as well as heat load of consumers;
- — Actualization of decisions on the distribution of heat load among thermal energy sources;
- — Preparation of the master plan for the development of heat supply systems;
- — Actualization of proposals for the construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and (or) modernization of thermal energy sources;
- — Optimization of the coverage areas of energy sources in order to use their thermal power in the implementation of cost-free and low-cost measures for the technological connection of expected consumers for the estimated year 2025;
- — Actualization of proposals for the construction, reconstruction and (or) modernization of heat networks;
- — Actualization of proposals for the conversion of direct heat (hot water) supply systems, individual sections of such systems to indirect hot water supply systems;
- — Development of an updated unified list of activities of the Scheme;
- — Assessment of heat supply reliability. Updated modeling of possible beyond design emergencies in the district heating systems of the city of Moscow;
- — Actualization of the existing and prospective coolant balance;
- — Determining the volume of investment in construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment and (or) modernization;
- — Updated estimation of the price (tariff) consequences of the implementation of the proposed projects of the Scheme for consumers;
- — Updating prospective fuel balances;
- — Actualization of decisions on assigning the status of a default heat supply organization;
- — Actualization of decisions on ownerless heat networks;
- — Synchronization of the draft Heat Supply Scheme with the scheme of gas supply and gasification of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) settlement, scheme and program for the development of the electric power system, as well as with the scheme of water supply and sanitation of a city of federal status;
- — Actualization of development indicators of heat supply systems of a settlement, urban district, city of federal status;
- — Actualization of extended semantic databases on the objects of heat supply organizations included in the Heat Supply Scheme of the city of Moscow;
- — Updating the format of the draft Heat Supply Scheme sent in electronic form to the authorized federal executive body (Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of October 16, 2017 No. 1430/PR);
- — Monitoring and systematization of proposals from authorized authorities and heat supply organizations to introduce changes to the updated Heat Supply Scheme;
- — Feasibility study for the development of heat supply systems in the Molzhaninovsky municipality of the Northern Administrative District of Moscow, taking into account the ongoing construction of a new GTPP «Molzhaninovka»;
- — Feasibility study for the development of heat supply systems in the municipalities of Novokosino, Kosino — Ukhtomsky, Nekrasovka of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow, taking into account the ongoing construction of a new CCGT TPP «Kozhukhovo»;
- — Information and analytical support for the assessment of the compliance of investment programs of heat supply organizations with the activities of the current Heat Supply Scheme;
- — Information and analytical support for the consideration of measures to develop heat supply systems suggested by heat supply (heat transmission) and other organizations of the city of Moscow.
Based on the results of the Scheme development in accordance with the Requirements for the course of the development, approval and updating of Heat Supply Schemes (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 22, 2012 No. 154), in order to ensure the openness of the procedure for developing and approving the project for updating the Heat Supply Scheme, a procedure was carried out for collecting comments and proposals for the project, as well as public hearing.Based on the results of the public hearings, the final document — the minutes of the public hearings — was posted by the Department of Housing and Public Utilities of Moscow on the official website.
The result of the work is the developed technical product (reporting pre-design documentation) «The Update of the Heat Supply Scheme of the city of Moscow for the period up to 2035 (updating for 2023)», performed in accordance with the Requirements for Heat Supply Schemes approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 22, 2012 No. 154, Guidelines for the development of Heat Supply Schemes, approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated March 05, 2019 No. 212, and the legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow valid at the time of the conclusion of the contract.
The results of the work are used:
— by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation in order to implement the State policy in the field of heat supply;
— Department of Housing and Communal Services of the city of Moscow in the development of the General Scheme of Energy Supply and the Energy Strategy of the city of Moscow, the State program «Development of utility infrastructure and energy saving», in the development and updating of schemes for gas, electricity, water supply and sanitation, fuel and energy balances of the city of Moscow, when approving investment programs of heat supply organizations and monitoring their implementation, when making decisions on including measures for technological connection in the Heat Supply Scheme, as well as in order to identify ownerless thermal grid facilities and transfer them to operating organizations;
— The complex of Urban Planning Policy and Construction of the city of Moscow (including the Moscow Committee for Architecture) in the development of territorial planning documentation, functional zoning documentation, territory layout documentation (the Renovation Program as well), including the preparation of the site development plan for a land plot intended for capital construction;
— by the Department of Economic Policy and Development of the city of Moscow when setting heat supply tariffs, when approving the consolidated forecast balance, investment programs of heat supply organizations and payment for technological connection to heat supply systems;
— Resource supply and heat supply organizations (including LLC Gazprom Energoholding, PJSC Mosenergo, PJSC MOEK, LLC TSK Mosenergo and others) in the development and implementation of investment programs and investment projects for the reconstruction of existing and construction of new sources of thermal and electrical energy, heat networks and their facilities, as well as in the development and implementation of programs to improve the energy efficiency of the fuel and energy complex of the city of Moscow;
— Other executive authorities and design organizations of the city of Moscow and other users.
The updated Moscow Heat Supply Scheme for the period up to 2035 (updating for 2023) was approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation No. 1183 dated November 02, 2022.