The company completed a full range of design and survey work for the title «Reconstruction of the 220 kV Kotovskaya substation in terms of the construction of an artesian well, reconstruction of a fire extinguishing pumping station, a fire water tank»


Project goals:

Reconstruction of the 220 kV Kotovskaya substation in terms of the construction of an artesian well, a fire extinguishing pumping station, a fire reservoir, relevant secondary and primary systems.

Solution and implementation:

ETS-Project completed a full range of engineering surveys at the facility, as well as an instrumental examination of existing buildings and facilities
The scope of the project includes the construction of a system to provide technical water supply to the 220 kV Kotovskaya substation.
Among others, the following buildings, facilities and systems were designed:

  • artesian well;
  • a building of the fire extinguishing pumping station;
  • fire-fighting water tanks V=2x165m3;
  • technological water supply system;
  • system of power supply, automation, cable facilities;
  • access ways and landscaping.

The project received an expertise approval, as well as a separate conclusion of  the Federal State Institution ROSGEOLEKSPERTIZA for an artesian well.

Results achieved:

The company completed design works and developed the procurement documentation within the agreed timelines.

After the construction and commissioning of the renovated 220 kV Kotovskaya substation, we ascertained the following:

  • the newly constructed artesian well has reached the estimated design flow rate;
  • the fire-fighting water tanks are replenished with water at the time specified by the regulatory documentation;
  • the newly installed fire protection systems of the substation operate normally.